The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28518   Message #354434
Posted By: Jeri
10-Dec-00 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: Shorty's Back
Subject: RE: Shorty's Back
Yeah, Jon. The logical answer I come up with is that someone came on their weekend off (supposedly) to re-boot Shorty, saw the thread title and maybe the first message and zapped it out of a stress-induced lack of tolerance.

One thing about that thread is it had the potential at several times to become nasty, and didn't.

While still feeling that deletion was NOT right, it's gone, and there's nothing anyone can do. The problems Mudcat experiences are due to the fact that Max works his ass off for this place, and puts more money into it than all of us combined, I believe, but he needs money he doesn't have to upgrade hardware and software, and to pay someone to work on it. It must be very frustrating to listen to people complain that your baby is sick and accuse you of negligence when you can't pay for the medicine.