The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151746   Message #3545538
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
04-Aug-13 - 03:30 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody (I. Berlin
Irving Berlin, 1919

I have an ear for music
And I have an eye for a maid
I link a pretty girlie
With each pretty tune that's played
They go together like sunny weather
Goes with the month of May
I've studied girls and music
So I'm qualified to say:

A pretty girl is like a melody
That haunts you night and day
Just like the strain of a haunting refrain
She'll start upon a marathon
And run around your brain.
You can't escape, she's in your memory
By morning, night and noon
She will leave you and then come back again
A pretty girl is just like a pretty tune.

"The Humoresque"
While a string orchestra played
This lovely tune I met a maid
And from the start she set my brain a-whirl
But alas we parted soon
And now I love to hear this tune
For it reminds me of that certain girl.

"Mendelssohn's Spring Song"
Once I met a girlie at the close of spring
I began to woo her and she answered "Yes" that summer
But when I went out to buy the wedding ring
She left me flat and ran off with a drummer.

Messina's Elegy"
While the cello moaned tenderly this melody
She said to me "I love you"
When the cello fellow was through he said "Adieu"
She said "Me too" and flew.

"Offenbach's Barcarolle from "Tales of Hoffman""
At the opera she said "My dear,
I love you with all my soul"
While the singers filled up my ear
With Offenbach's "Barcarolle"
When the music died away her love for me grew cold
And I found she told better tales
Than old Hoffman told.

"Schubert's Serenade"
Once to a maid, this sweet serenade
I sang with feeling and grace
I vocalized just how much I prized
Her form and beautiful face
Sad to say the maiden's husband
Came with a spade and ruined my serenade.

"Schumann's Traumerei"
We met one evening at a dance
The band was playing, I was saying
Give me just a chance
She told me of a boy in France
And then she vanished, and it
Banished my romance.