The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151756   Message #3545786
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
05-Aug-13 - 12:03 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Setting and keeping tempo in dance bands
Subject: RE: Tech: Setting and keeping tempo in dance bands
I like that idea about having the band do the dances. It will get the dance in their whole bodies, not just in their fingers.

Besides that, I think there are two ways that music speeds up. One way, as discussed, is that lead instruments speed up for the easy parts. We deal with that by pointing out that it's happening. Also, I encourage everybody to LISTEN TO THE GUITAR. We have a good guitarist, but people used to ignore her. We've changed. If you have some other humble, looked-down upon instrument as accompaniment, then people have to be told to listen to that, too. Even if it's a drum.

Another way music speeds up is when you have a long note, say a whole note, at the end of a phrase. Lead instruments and singers tend to cut those short. They may cut it off after two or three beats, their attitude being, "I've sung that. Let's move on." Again, they need to pay attention to other people's parts. For example, if it's a whole note, it's not over till other people have played four beats of music.