The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151764   Message #3546242
Posted By: Amos
06-Aug-13 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defective Thinkerator Syndrome (DTS)...
Subject: RE: BS: Defective Thinkerator Syndrome (DTS)...
Logic is inherently a bit arbitrary, or at least capable of being applied in arbitrary ways. It's fine within its own premises, but those premises may not uniformly cleave to the scope of realty itself. And when thinking parts ways with reality, why, anything is possible.

The human thinkerator is easily bamboozled when it fails to notice certain aspects of the data it is trying to use. Some people, for example, get a fixed idea andf can't even perceive that they are holding on to contrary data. Misassessment of importance between different data points is another blind spot that leaves people completely certain that their SHih-Tzu is of more importance than a nuclear threat showdown between France and China. Understanding wqhat makes something important, moreso or less-so, is a rare talent. This is what leaves people screaming about starlet's bra colors while ignoring planetary climate deterioration, for example.The other talent that sometimes seems missing in broken thinkerators is the ability to assess how true a dastum actually is, or how probable. THis produces, for example, wild-ass trumpeting of complete baderdash presented as "true".

There are probably no more than a dozen of these key patterns of thinkerator breakdown, but they sure are widely distributed.