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Thread #151764   Message #3546317
Posted By: Bill D
06-Aug-13 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defective Thinkerator Syndrome (DTS)...
Subject: RE: BS: Defective Thinkerator Syndrome (DTS)...

"...In other words, 'Life'."

Hmmm? There's plenty to/of life without the positive things I listed.

"Why should anyone relegate their thinking, to someone else, who may have a hidden agenda, that does not serve the purpose of your own well being???"

I'm sorry, but I can't be sure what you are saying. Are you asserting that "the purpose of your own well being" is always the prime concern? And what, exactly, do you mean by 'relegate'?



"Logic is inherently a bit arbitrary, or at least capable of being applied in arbitrary ways. It's fine within its own premises, but those premises may not uniformly cleave to the scope of realty itself. And when thinking parts ways with reality, why, anything is possible."

The scope of that is either not really true, or is trivially true. Logic is not really arbitrary...if it is 'applied in an arbitrary way'
it sorta ceases being...umm... logical. The word that seems to be arbitrary is 'reality', as we both approach that topic a bit differently. The only thought that your last sentence reminds me of is my oft stated: "From false premises, anything follows."

" Misassessment of importance between different data points..." is the very essence of arbitrary in many cases. In scientific measurement it IS a problem... in working out social or political ideas, it is what is at issue. Even identifying a data point can be a sticking point. (Mid-East troubles.. who hit who first...or deserved it.)

Thinkerators need to be able to at least state the point of view of others or arguing the details just becomes an exercise in dissembling and rationalization.