The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3546617
Posted By: The Sandman
07-Aug-13 - 01:35 PM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
The most important point here is this one whoever they are whether they be revivalist singer or traditional singer should be either exploited or have their music suppressed. I have my criticisms of Kennedy but for Jim Carroll to come out with a statement blaming him [as he appears to be insinuating] for Neilidh Boyles death is incorrect, Boyle did not die in ireland he died in scotland, he had been living in scotland for some while. why did he leave ireland the same reason? why people are leaving ireland today[and that is not peter kennedys fault] kennedy did not suppress music, in fact without kennedy and his abilty to persuade boyle to record by allowing him his rant about jungle music, we would be musically poorer. Jim, you have your facts wrong about boyle dying in roscommon as a result of peter kennedy. peter kennedy was certainly not an angel but it is completely incorrect to blame him for boyles death or for boyles emigration