The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180   Message #3546657
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Aug-13 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
"as he appears to be insinuating"
So insinuating - I think that's the last anybody can accuse me of - just saying - Peter has it - John Reilly it is - I actually know very little about Boyle other than he was once a neighbour of my very good (now sadly missed) Paddy Boyle - Maggie's father, though I certainly know that wee Neillidh was not a Traveller and (having heard his interviews) suspect that he would have taken umbridge at being described as one.
Now to return to the real world. .
Can we be quite clear here - I doubt if Bulmer's shennanigins would have raised more than a tut-tut if his victims hadn't included some of our more popular 'folk' stars.
The continued blanket of silence surrounding Kennedy's behaviour- (sorry I count the slap on the wrist tantamount to silence) proves (to me at least) that our singers were undervalued, underpaid and under-credited)
Someone please prove to me that this is not the case.
Jim Carroll