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Thread #151764   Message #3546744
Posted By: Don Firth
07-Aug-13 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Defective Thinkerator Syndrome (DTS)...
Subject: RE: BS: Defective Thinkerator Syndrome (DTS)...
Sorry, but Intelligent Design IS simply another version of Creationism. As I said in another post, it is Creationism in a lab coat.

I read the article thoroughly, and I had read similar articles (arguments) put forward by the Discovery Institute, the sponsor, and I believe producer, of the Nova-like television program, "Privileged Planet." I have been familiar with the Discovery Institute for some years.

BASIC! It posits that things would not be the way they are were it not for an intelligent designer! And, of course, it carefully avoids mentioning God, lest the cat come leaping out of the bag!

Anyone who knows anything about chemistry knows that various elements will form bonds with any other elements that they are compatible with. Given millions of years for things to happen, someplace along the line, a number of chemical combinations will form (that millions of years later, will be identified as "biochemistry") at which point, Life is off and running.

From then on, evolution is in play, and I'm not going to take the time and effort to try to explain how it works because there are plenty of good books on the subject. Educate yourself.

The Creation Myth is a metaphor. And Intelligent Design is just a more elaborate form of the same metaphor.

Don Firth

P. S. And NO, I am not an atheist. If anything, I am an agnostic. I do, on the other hand, attend church fairly regularly. But it is NOT a fundamentalist church, and I have many good discussions along this line with the pastor.

And SHE says that the Creation Myth is a metaphor.

She also said, "The Bible is not 'The Boy Scout Manual.' It is a book of questions, not answers!"