The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3546842
Posted By: The Sandman
08-Aug-13 - 04:50 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
I am not defending Kennedys actions, i said he was wrong, stop talking rubbish. However, Kennedy did not suppress music, which is something that Bulmer did and has done, bringing kennedy into this discussion is "irrelevant, My main concern has always been the treatment that our field singers have received at the hands of 'the folk business' - us 'folkies' have usually managed to find our way round the houses, especially nowadays in the Brave New World of copyrighting, especially of "arrangements". quote taken from your post. your concern should be for ALL performers,as i said before your post is like saying its ok to rip off white people but not chinese people. revivalist performers such as Nic Jones have in the past suffered from the likes of Bulmer , your post is inaccurate and patronising. please stop waffling on about Kennedy but stick to discussing dave bulmer.