The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180   Message #3546854
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Aug-13 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
"stop talking rubbish."
Sorry Dick, I have no intention of degrading this subject any further with your garbage.
If you wish to continue accusing me of misrepresenting Kennedy, I suggest you do so by disproving my descriptions of his actions rather than indulging in mud-slinging - I really don't think I have any more to say to you.
"All this talk about Peter Kennedy simply diverts attention away from the topic of Dave Bulmer"
No - all this talk about Bulmer is diverting the attention away from the fact that he was one of many - don't suppose you'd care to count up how many postings on how many threads there have been about him?
In contrast, I can't recall one single one about the general misbehaviour of our older traditional performers.
Has anybody here or elsewhere bothered to discuss or even consider how many recordings of traditional performers from the leader/Trailer Bulmer owned and sat on - or is it only the superstars who merit the attention?
Answers on a plain postcard please!
Jim Carroll