The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3546868
Posted By: Jim Carroll
08-Aug-13 - 06:35 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Are you really suggesting that Bulmer's behaviour has nothing to do with the way traditional performers are treated in general? Bulmer bought the rights to a treasure trove of work carried out by Bill Leader - attempts to ignore how part of that work has been debased and pretend that Bulmer is anything other than one of a number of people who have damaged out access to traditional music I find unbelievable Bulmer was a shark in a tank full of sharks; to throw stones at him is, in the very least, yet another a futile excercise in bloodletting. Do deal seriously with the whole tank is - perhaps, at this late hour, to perhaps to acknowledge our debt to those who gave us our music. I'm sorry if many of these old geezers didn't play in groups, sell thousands of albums or appear on concert platforms - perhaps they would have got a little more attention if they had - sheer bloody elitism I wonder if anybody here cares to share your opinion that Bulmers behaviour should be compartmenatised in this way? Sorry -"general behaviour towards our older traditional performers; sorry yo whip yout typo from under you! Jim Carroll