The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3546986
Posted By: GUEST,Musket happy to oblige
08-Aug-13 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Ron. I don't believe that Allah had a magic carpet because I have yet to see magic performed. I don't believe that Mary was a virgin because IVF is a recent advancement in science. I don't believe Noah put all the animals in an ark because he would have forgotten marsupials due to Australia not being on his radar. The RAF who weren't around hadn't developed radar either.

I could go on.

I don't worry over imaginary friends. For Clapton's sake, I imagine my late father is the only listener when I perform, and every song is for him. Whatever floats your boat.

No. My beef is organisations called religions that traditionally try to control society and use some God concept to scare people into submission.

Fuck em. This is the 21st century. Most of us don't need it, have no place for it and as they can't all be right, it follows they can however all be wrong. Not a statistic that allows them to take your money, fuck with your head and give you a sense of guilt.

The masses have soap operas, Simon Cowell and sporting events. The thinkers have the freedom to laugh as they always have but with less retribution shovelled their way.

I'm not an atheist. I have no idea what the score is. My point is that neither does the pope, Archbishop of Canterbury or any other superstition wielding teacher wishing to tell us what to think.

I taught my sons how to think instead. That allows me to sleep soundly at night.

That any good for you?

Don't confuse rejecting out of hand with offering an alternative stance. I respect faith, I don't respect it pushing its nose where it isn't wanted nor needed.

Our faith on this thread may have teething problems but we have a guitar, a harmonica and a musical gnome. More than most religions start with.