The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180   Message #3547183
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Aug-13 - 04:36 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Sorry - missed a bit Gerry
"I don't know who Jerry is, but he or she isn't me."
It wasn't aimed at you or anyone in particular.
It is one of the more shameful facts of this whole business is that if Bulmer's behaviour had been aimed at say Harry Cox, or any other source singer, it might have raised an odd eyebrow, but nothing more than that.
The fact that Jones, Bellamy and Carthy were among Bulmer's victims has generated the number of threads that it has, yet it's like pulling teeth to elicit a single tut of disapproval - on this thread or any - of the long-engrained attitude towards our field singers.
This is, as far as I'm concerned, amply underlined by your protestations at my attempts to expand this thread to the general attitude to all our singers and how they have been treated.
Tis is not "thread drift", it is just another part of a larger problem and I believe it is elitism in the extreme to call in the exorcist to try to suppress it.
But then again, the refusal to include it says as much as any discussion could.
"Oh dear, oh dear another chapter in the Jim Carroll boring monologue "I'm right everyone else is wrong"
Oh dear, oh dear, another shadowy voice from the safety of anonymity - things must be very boring in Medway, or wherever, at present.
Jim Carroll