The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180   Message #3547208
Posted By: MGM·Lion
09-Aug-13 - 06:37 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
But where does one draw the line? Did Mr Anderson, retired miner, from whom Ewan learnt the version of The Elfin Knight best known as Scarborough Fair in the late 40s, which he recorded on The Long Harvest, get anything out of it? And then, when Martin sang it and Paul Simon learnt it and it turned up, for no relevant reason I ever fathomed, on the sound track of The Graduate & became a world #1 hit for Sim&Garf, did Ewan profit in any way? Or Martin? Or even Mr Anderson [as if!]?

And so ad ∞∞∞ ...

Not but what I certainly do consider both Bulmer & Kennedy particularly iniquitous purveyors of this particular form of abuse.
