The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151775   Message #3547344
Posted By: GUEST,jim bainbridge
09-Aug-13 - 03:47 PM
Thread Name: 2013 Obit: Dave Bulmer (Age 62)
Subject: RE: Obit: The LATE Dave Bulmer (August 2013)
I knew Dave Bulmer from when he was a pupil at South Shields High School in th sixties, and helped run the school folk club which often featured the guest(s) who were booked at the nearby Marsden Inn club(the Spinners being one of these groups). I have met him from time to time over the intervening years, and while I would hardly call him a friend, I had no problem on a personal level, and I do recall his longterm music partnership with the great John Doonan, who certainly respected his musicianship. I have been aware for years that aspects of his 'business' found no favour with many people I respect, so presume there is some substance to what I hear....
There are some parallels with Peter Kennedy, whose business behaviour was also doubtful, although he DID record material which would otherwise have been lost- that man surely deserves some credit for that?
Dave was no collector, but had amassed a vast amount of of material in his stores, and whatever motives provoked the allegations made by so many people, this collection is now in one place, and at some stage will, we all hope, become widely available- issue of such items will probably still be a 'business' decision, whoever takes it on. Incidentally, isn't it sad that traditional music has now become no more than a business for so many others, quite apart from the two who are the current object of vilification?
It may be that some time in the future, folk music students will be grateful for the activities of both of these people, so their longterm contribution to the tradition may well be viewed more positively in the future.
At the moment, my thoughts are with his wife Ruth and his family, and I do feel that a little respect is due at this time- arguments about his doubtful business behaviour can surely wait a little while?
someone asked about the funeral- details are....
I am advised by a good friend that the funeral is to be at

Stonefall Crematorium
Wetherby Road
HARROGATE HG3 1DE on 16 August at 3pm
I won't be there, but many will