The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3547766
Posted By: GUEST,Guest
10-Aug-13 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
The statement on Phil Edwards posting regarding the availability of vinyl and cds has been "in the public domain" for quite along time.
Suggest that all the doubters read and digest it.
Regarding Jim Carroll's plea that the position viz-a-viz traditional music and PRS, MCPS & Imro be sorted out, that was one of the things that Dave Bulmer tried very hard to do, only to be met by corporate duplicity and bullying despite proving them wrong continually.
I have irrefutable evidence of this but am not prepared to discuss it on Mudcat or any other chat environment.
I am also loath to divulge my identity because of past diatribes by certain individuals who seem to have taken great pleasure in being extremely rude/dismissive/deliberately obstructive even when the information I have posted has been absolutely accurate and aimed only at being informative.
I am quite prepared to discuss this privately with the Mudcat team if that is possible.