The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151677   Message #3548369
Posted By: Steve Shaw
12-Aug-13 - 08:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Subject: RE: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
You prattle on about badmouthing then you come out with this:

hitler who drastically followed Darwinist ideas to the extent of exterminating millions

Hitler did no such thing. Ideas concerning deliberate mass extermination of human beings were not propagated by Darwin and have nothing to do with natural selection.

so I did,nt read it through. so what!

I'll tell you "so what". It means that you haven't a bloody clue what you're talking about even though it appears to be your favourite subject. But your ignorance doesn't stop you from gaily piling insult after insult on honest-to-goodness people who actually do research and a lot of thinking, unlike you (folks, just look at all the didn't-get-round-to-this, forgot-that, tell-me-where-to-find-it etc. bollocks in his post). You're bone idle, that's what, and your brain would fetch a bloody fortune on the second-hand brain market as it's never been used. That's so what. I bet you haven't a bloody clue about the Bible, either. Maybe I'll test you on it some time, and I reckon I wouldn't have to do too much revision in order to knock you into a bloody cocked hat on the subject.