The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3548432
Posted By: MGM·Lion
13-Aug-13 - 01:08 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
As for respect, and never speaking ill of the dead, &c: I don't want to fall foul of Godwin's Law; but just think of the implications of any such prohibition being universally observed.
There do seem to have been people who suffered considerable deprivations, both financial & aesthetic, from the activities of the recently deceased; I was not one and have no personal interest in the matter: but can't help wondering just when those so offended by mention of the matter just now feel it will be OK to advert to it again. After the funeral? Or after - how long? - to provide reasonable mourning time? Or when?
Surely now, while the estate is to be executed, probate sought, &c, is the time for those with any possible interest to state it?