The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151677   Message #3548525
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
13-Aug-13 - 07:42 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Subject: RE: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
""Steve Shaw: "Steve Shaw, as Steve Shaw has asserted God knows how many times, hasn't a clue whether there's a God or not."

OK..then if there is a God, and He's supposed to be about 'Love', ask Him to reveal Himself to you...don't make up what you think the answer should be, nor put a time limitation to it... and just pay attention. If there is a God, who is about love, then He would show you something, wouldn't He?..if your request was sincere. If you get nothing at all, then blow it off.
The is NO way that could insult you, harm you, restrict you, or any other bummer, you might imagine.
Try patient, do not make up answers, nor disregard input that follows.""

Based upon the available scientific evidence, the likelihood of the existence of a god is about the same as the chance of GfS managing three consecutive coherent sentences.

Don T.