The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180   Message #3548625
Posted By: Continuity Jones
13-Aug-13 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
People are judged in death by their lives.

When Thatcher died, a great many people were delighted and refused to tow the line of RIP.

When Bulmer died, it wasn't a huge surprise to see that many people on this site aren't too upset.

I really think that if any of his friends or relatives are looking for on-line consolation, they'd know better than to look here. If they don't - if this is genuinely the first time they've heard of Bulmer's less than philanthropic behaviour - well then they have my sympathy. But as it has been pointed out many many times, Bulmer had it within his power to make other people's lives easier at no real cost to him and he chose not to.

There's a Native American saying which is bought to mind - If you stir your one stick in a puddle of shit, your one stick will come out covered in shit.