The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3548832
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Aug-13 - 03:50 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
"I would burn all the fecking tapes." For all the access people have been given to them - or are likely to be given in the future - who'd notice? If the 'warehouse-keepers' think for one minute that old Leader issues haven't been digitised and aren't being circulated by the owners as pirate copies among friends, they must live on another planet. With all the attention being given to Bulmer's behaviour It's only a matter of time before some bright entrepreneur realises that, 'Thar's gold in them thar hills' and sets up a cheapo kitchen industry, which will be be to nobody's advantage - the ripped-off artists, the legally-compromised buyer and certainly not those 'waiting for the right day to dawn' only to find it's bedtime already. Jim Carroll