The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28477   Message #354904
Posted By: Troll
11-Dec-00 - 10:17 AM
Thread Name: Jane Fonda's exploits, please read
Subject: RE: Jane Fonda's exploits, please read
" A hallowed shrine"? Anger is not a thing that is cherished, that brought out and polished and replenished from time to time.
Fonda is a focus for the sorrow, the anguish and the horror; of seeing the life of someone who saved your life snuffed out as his head explodes beside you; of having a little kid run up and hand your buddy a live grenade; of being spit on and called a baby killer.
These things aren't your life but they are part of your life.You accept them as facts of life and, for the most part, go on about your business. They are not constantly on your mind, they just ARE.
But then something reminds you and, just for an instant, it's all there in glorous, living color. And you deal with it as best you can. And if that way is to express the anger that you feel, well, it's better than drinking yourself into insensibility, or picking a fight with your wife.
You bring it out, talk about it and get your life back under control so you can go on with it.
I doubt that Mick and Barry have NO anger. They simply know, as I know, that anger cannot rule their lives. That doesn't mean they don't FEEL the anger sometimes.
I'm sure that they, like most of us, don't want sympathy. We can find that in the dictionary
Between "shit" and "syphilis".
