The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151677   Message #3549330
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
15-Aug-13 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Subject: RE: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Ahhhh - OK, SJL, your earlier conclusion makes more sense to me now and I can see why you would think that the overestimation is a result of over publication as in PR. I don't necessarily agree but can quite happily agree to differ with you on that. What I do take exception to is -

As a political entity, they have gone beyond pride. They have become arrogant bullies.

That is a gross generalisation. Yes, there are arrogant bullies in the gay community. They are everywhere. But it is because they are arrogant bullies that they make the news, not because they are gay. To follow such generalisations results in the demonisation of a particular section of society.

Gays are arrogant bullies
Moslems are terrorists
Irish are stupid

I am of the firm belief that the proportion of good and bad people is the same across ALL sections of society. There are no more arrogant bullying gays than there are arrogant bullying heterosexuals. There is just one section of society that, in my opinion, is an exception. Politicians. By nature they must be megalomaniacs and sociopaths. I would hate to get caught up in their machinations!
