The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28477   Message #355049
Posted By: Troll
11-Dec-00 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: Jane Fonda's exploits, please read
Subject: RE: Jane Fonda's exploits, please read
McG As I said in an earlier post, Jane Fonda risked nothing. The trip was set up by Ramsey Clark who had ben Atourney General under Lyndon Johnson.
He was certainly savvy enough to research the legality of the trip before he placed himself in jeapordy of being tried for treason, regardless fo his anti-war sentiments. They KNEW they were safe before they ever left the US.
What they did was not legally treason because there was no formal declaration of war. Had there been, let me assure you that the trip would never have happened. In wartime such people are executed; witness Lord Haw-haw and Tokyo Rose.
Fondas career was not endangered as it would have been in the McCarthy era. The mood of the country was much diferent then and red baiting was a popular sport among the populance; a popular TV show was "I Was A Communist For The FBI". I doubt that would have flown in the early 70's.
