The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151935   Message #3551255
Posted By: Bobert
20-Aug-13 - 09:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Getting a Bad Rap Here...
Subject: BS: Obama Getting a Bad Rap Here...
The usual suspect has had a clear path to diss Obama a hundred times here in Mudville so I figured that it was time for people who aren't eat up with hate and right winged propaganda to have their own thread to talk about why Obama isn't the devil, isn't some puppet of the rich and isn't whatever the Republicans here want to paint as being...

Okay, let me start...

I am not a Democrat... I am a displaced Green Party member and tireless campaign worker...

I first heard Obama in a remote mountain cabin on the radio during the 2004 campaign when he spoke before the Democratic Convention... Before that night I had never heard of the guy... I was, however, impressed...

Given the Bush administration and it's two wars I broke from the Green Party and went to work in the '08 Obama campaign because he had gone out on a limb, when it wasn't all that popular, to say he was against the invasion of Iraq... I agreed... If anyone had done what Obama did that early thought they might ever be re-elected then they would have been delusional... Obama did it...

Then I learned that Obama didn't do the DC parties as a Senator... He was more comfortable sleeping in his office and reading legislation??? People don't do that... They don't in DC... But Obama did...

This is the guy that many folks here are blasting as some kind of puppet (insider)... That is a sick joke and a BIG LIE...

You don't like Obama, fine... Come here and tell me why you think that Obama could have done whatever you think he has the tools to do...

Be prepared to go beyond proclamations and repeating Republican propaganda... But if that's all you have then be prepared to defend your posts...

Square business... I'll be here...
