The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151677   Message #3551513
Posted By: Don Firth
21-Aug-13 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Subject: RE: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Goofball, what I said was that counseling should be open to anyone who feels they can benefit by it for whatever reason. NOT that they should be FORCED into counseling by people like YOU.

You do love to twist things!

(But then, that's all you've got.)


Suzy, a point of science here:

HIV is not a man-made disease. It was initially a disease of African monkeys. The virus was transmitted to humans in Africa, possibly by someone being bitten by a monkey, probably a poacher looking to supply monkeys for the illegal so-called "bush meat" trade (some people apparently like eating monkey meat).

It is not a specifically "homosexual" disease. It is transmitted by any exchange of bodily fluids between people of any sexual orientation, such as a blood transfusion, or sexual relations of any kind, including heterosexual. Or, for that matter, deep kissing. The virus, in itself, does not kill. It shuts down a person's immune system, making it more likely that they will catch just about any infectious disease that comes along.

Sort of like lowering the drawbridge and allowing any enemy that wanders along to enter the castle.

Ake seems to adhere to the medieval belief that homosexual activity causes HIV/AIDs. Before Louis Pasteur proved that it was not true, many people thought you could create rats, mice, and other vermin by leaving garbage laying around, not even thinking that the garbage didn't "spontaneously create" the vermin, the vermin were already there and were attracted to the garbage.

Homosexual relations does not create the HIV virus. It can transmit the virus IF one of the party carries it, but it cannot create it!

Yet, Ake keeps insisting.

And GfS has been insisting that same-sex orientation is a choice, preferring to ignore the mounting evidence that people are born that way and, although all the evidence is not in yet, there are very strong indications that, at the very least, there are genetic components to sexual orientation. And that people do not have a choice about it. One does not "decide" at puberty whether one wishes to be gay or straight. Often quite young children, still ignorant of sex, show indications of behavior that is more characteristic of the other sex. One is what on is. Not a matter of making a choice.

Yet, if Ake and GfS had their way, Ake would force gay men to undergo constant testing. And GfS would force them into therapy—which has proven to be an abject failure, sometimes leading to suicide.

Both of them oppose same-sex marriage, which would encouragement stable, non-promiscuous behavior--the very thing that would cut down the spread of HIV infections, Ake offers no reason other than claiming that gays don't want same-sex marriage, they want to be promiscuous, when both gays and lesbians themselves say that they DO want same-sex marriage, and work very hard politically to bring it about. And in those states in which same sex marriage is legalized, great hordes of same sex couples are rushing to the altar!

Neither Ake nor GfS is scientifically correct in their viewpoints, yet both of them are in favor coercing whole groups of other people to do their bidding.

That is what I (a "loony Liberal" according to GfS) object to—strenuously!

Don Firth