The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151935   Message #3552073
Posted By: sciencegeek
23-Aug-13 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: Obama Getting a Bad Rap Here...
Subject: RE: BS: Obama Getting a Bad Rap Here...
Suzy... it seems he also made a surprise stop in Rochester... which is just 30 miles north of my office....

One of the must accessible websites is the EPA and they are really pushing renewable energy sources, but the petrochemical industry has a lot of clout still and have been obstructing any serious rivalry for decades. With the funding of those tactics ultimately being passed on to the consumer.

Oh, and while you guys are moaning about fracking chemicals being added to groundwater.... have you given a thought to the bottled water industry. Basically wholesale theft of groundwater from local communities to be sold with absurd profit around the world.

Or the historic abuses of taking water that should be going downstream to Mexico, but being diverted for cities built in American deserts.

And if Romney had been elected, I have no doubt that every piece of federal land around here would have fracking wells on them. 'cause they'd be exempt from state regulations and they'd ignore the Clean Water Act just the way they did all the other inconvenient environmental and social justice laws out there.

My experience with politicos has been that at least most Democrats try to work in the system... but the Republican have been petty tyrants that think that laws only apply to others, not them. I base this on 30 years in state service, working with politicians & their political appointees. You get the real measure of a person when they get some power.