The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151943   Message #3552624
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
25-Aug-13 - 09:30 AM
Thread Name: Obit: Diane Easby (May 2013)
Subject: RE: Obit: Diane Easby [borchester echo]
From Ralph: >>Lizzie...Rude? Don't think so. Just practical. I'm sure the police would have contacted the local rescue centre months ago regarding the cats.<<

Well, they sure as hell didn't do that when she was taken into hospital, Ralph. I, and others, contacted various organizations and this was eventually sorted out for her, because she was worrying her head off in hospital, as she knew her cats *weren't* being taken care of.

George has very kindly contacted others who may know what happened to them and hopefully, they ARE being taken care.

I know she won't rest, were this not the case.

>>>>"If anyone is being rude I would suggest it isn't me."<<<<

Nope, you've been a spiteful, sarcastic, unpleasant ol' bugger towards me since I DARED to suggest on the BBC board, that many artists came together to sing some of Nic's songs, with the money being raised going to help him.

You see, Diane wrote to me to tell me that you wanted it passed on to me that if EVER I took Nic's name and started writing about him, you'd make sure I came to know about it...She wrote to me on Myspace....She'd been having a 3 hour conversation with you and seemed a little out of it, as she was spitting out vitriol to me, where before, she'd been kind and 'normal'. She also told me you were her dearest friend.

>>>"Yes, I had my run ins on line with Diane, but, having had a few meetings with her over the years, I managed to form a friendship. Don't think that the same will happen with you?<<

How absolutely correct you are, Ralph, for I do not make friends with those who are total shits towards me...You even got told off for your constant bitchy bullying of me by Fiona, another of the BBC posters now passed on...despite me being her Numero Uno person to harrass..

This was because Diane and I had both verbally whacked her bum for being a real pain in the arse towards us both, trying to get us removed from the board, constantly moan moan moaning about us....BOTH Diane and I had kept quiet until one day, she simply way overstepped the mark and got told what both of us should have told her a very, very long time before...

This upset her and, having finally had a dose of her own medicine, she then took YOU to task for doing exactly what she herself had done so often to me, telling you that she now knew how it felt and asking you stop...

But you never did...bringing it over too....

My friends aren't folks such as you, but kind, loving people who'd never dream of doing what you did, what you do.

I don't like you anymore, pure and simple. I once liked your music, but now no longer own any of it, for bullying, snidey little shits do not live in my record collection, no matter how lovely their music.

>>>>"As this is an Obit thread for Diane, I will refrain from suggesting that you stick your head up your arse for being so deliberately, and unnecessarily rude."

This is indeed an obit thread and a little more respect is due. To say you will refrain from suggesting something whilst doing exactly that is intellectual dishonesty.<<<<


It's called fecking HUMOUR, Marianne! And, may I politely suggest that as this IS an Obit thread, you either talk about the person who has died, or just don't say a word, rather than come in here and ONLY post what you did....

You see, it's...doh...HUMOUR! As in, I SAID it, then said I wasn't going to say it...

I rest me case m'Lud!

Gawd, Diane would be having a fit over the lack of humour in this thread, for the one thing she did have, at times, was a rollickingly dry wit. She could be a right pain in the arse at times and drove me nuts, but there was another side to her too...and I think she'd been fumingly angry with the world ever since Sandy Denny died, who she once mentioned on fRoots as having been her best friend...

And now, I'll leave some of the Moaning Minnies to this thread...

Oh, but before I go, Chris, I DO accept apologies, because, as ever, you were so fast to jump in with criticism of me that you didn't even BOTH to go and find the thread about Diane that I started...

Please note, that the reason I started that thread Incognito (which Joe and a few others knew about) was BECAUSE of folks such as yourself who just can't WAIT to swoop down and have a go at me..

You fucked up badly
You chose NOT to apologise...

YOUR decision
YOUR personality....

Thank you.

I hope Sweetums is up there giving Fiona Faery a right talking to and making God wish he was down here for a while, because she sure will be The BADDEST Angel in town. ;0)
