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Thread #151677   Message #3552717
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
25-Aug-13 - 02:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Subject: RE: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Don't you just 'love' Don's lopsided analogy???

Hey, look at your description of Zimmerman 'arming himself with a 9mm, and then how you portray the three kids who shot Lane, "for the fun of it!"???...and just happened to have their gun, what? coincidence???

..and another slippery slight of hand...What I was asking, was what did all those guys have in common?...not the outcome of what they all did.. What was a contributing factor?...and don't play stupid, and pretend you don't know what I mean, and then in place of an answer, go off on some semi-literate diatribe on how about 'racism', played more in one and wasn't even in the minds of the others. ALL the victims were picked for one reason or another....What I'm pointing to, is that murder didn't seem to be much of a moral(there's that word again) question, or boundary to breech. Zimmerman's was the only one that had a self defense element to it. If the old guy was armed he might have used his as well.....but there is still one common denominator that they all had....that contributed to all of them being in a place, that senseless murder didn't seem to be much of a problem to commit.
Folks, this isn't a 'political' question. Nobody gave a shit about 'voting rights'....nobody was 'righting a wrong'..nobody gave a shit about 'social justice', or who might have belonged to the KKK, or Tea fact, I doubt if any of them gave a damn about politics. THAT'S YOUR RAP.
But they did all have something in common, and they were all dealing with 'their world' as a result of it....not how WE see thing..but how and why they see things.....just like how kids saw long hair, in the 60's, and their parents didn't particularly dig it at all....but the 'long haired freaks' had a complete different outlook, that seemingly did not reflect their parent's is this crowd. They are in a different world of priorities, than the ones you grew up with, and/or rebelled at...
Give it a shot...THINK!