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Thread #151984   Message #3553149
Posted By: akenaton
26-Aug-13 - 05:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Whether or not Mr Obama is a Muslim, is of little or no importance.
As far as I can see the US is preparing its people for an illegal attack on Syria.
Mr Kerry has just been on TV building the case for military strikes, before the inspectors have produced any all smells strongly of IRAQ.
They seem to be building their case on the belief that only the Assad regime has the capability to deliver the weapons to their target, they ignore the point that it would be completely against the regimes interests to provoke retaliation from the West, or the idea that the weapons may already have been in the hands of the "rebels" before being detonated by a conventional explosive device.

Kerry's rhetoric was strong and warlike, but the hypocrisy of America's support for the military coup in Egypt after the massacre of hundreds of civilians just a couple of weeks ago, cannot be concealed.

Get out on the streets people, like we did before Iraq, but this time don't trust the lying bastards.