The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150703   Message #3553702
Posted By: beardedbruce
28-Aug-13 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
Subject: RE: BS: Small hope for Israel/Palestine
I see my lousy typing has let the usual haters ignore the facts.

"Steve, and Jim the Jew-Hater,

Since you have no problem with those who disagree with Bobert being called KKK, "

BOBERT calls anyone who disagrees with his opinions KKKrs, yet you have no problem with that. EVERYONE who disagrees with ANYTHING Obama says is a racist, even when we are on record as having disagreed with such policies long before Obama was on the political scene.

"and Jim-the-Jew_Hater calls me "Brainless Bruce,"

The standard "Liberal " response to ANY post where facts are presented is to attack the poster, and the "Liberal" logic police NEVER seem to bother noticing- yet they will jump on any logical flaw by those they disagree with, and claim that there is thus no reason to even consider facts.

"you have no fucking right to either complain about or ask for proof of my naming Jim Carroll what he has shown himself to be."

Simple statement of fact.

"Or are you joining the Ubermensch in demanding a different set of rules for those you support versus those you disagree with???

As I say, what a typical bunch of "Liberal" shit for brains."

Again, I have to judge the "Liberals" here by those that post their views, and how they post.