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Thread #151984   Message #3554307
Posted By: Jim Carroll
30-Aug-13 - 03:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
"Do you have any source other than me for them?"
Don't need it Keith - it's registered as "ammunition" in government records - doesn't really matter what it was - it was supplied to a genocidal monster by the British Government, 'nuff for me.
You described sniper bullets as harmless and your friend insisted that it was ok to sell them as, "snipers needed to practice" - more than 'nuff for me.
You went on to suggest that it was ok for the British Government to sell riot control equipment, as they were already doing, to the same genocidal monster with a long-term reputation for lifting opponents off the streets, torturing them and disappearing them - icing on the cake.
As I said, Britain owes the people of Syria a great deal as it has helped (in a small way) to facilitate the slaughter by selling ammunition (no matter what kind) and riot equipment and has supported that monster as a trading partner for decades.
The fact that the British Parliament voted down Cameron and Hague in Parliament last night (an extremely dodgy position for a government to be in) and has decided to leave the job to the Yanks and the French really doesn't put Britain in a good light - either as a debt payer or a humanitarian state.
There, really have overstepped my "troll quota"
Have a good day d'ya hear now.
Jim Carroll
PS I take it from your silence that you don't want the other five excuses for your "sniper bullets" support - plenty of time to sort them out between now and tomorrow - one at a time or singly, however you prefer?