The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152014   Message #3554688
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
31-Aug-13 - 06:46 AM
Thread Name: Miley Cyrus
Subject: RE: Miley Cyrus
You disturb me at times, Richard.

ANYONE who thinks this video is suitable for children to be seeing, worries me..Anyone who thinks this is what women should be aiming for in their lives, worries me..

And let's not forget the bloke involved here either, for he's as big a prat as she is...

Behind them both though, stand The Sick Corporate Music Industry who will stop at NOTHING now to sell their wares...

Oh..and by the way, I have NO need for HRT thanks..nor do I ever want ANY relationship which is based on a man simply using, or abusing, my body for his own reasons..nor one where I would do that to a man.

By all means, you carry on with your physical activity, but hey, I'll take The Spiritual into mine, thanks, for I'm not just a bunch of hormones and body parts...

Even at Miley's age, had A Suit come up to me and told me wanted me to perform in such a way, he'd have felt the front and back of my hand as he flew across the room...

You see, I was raised to have not only respect for most others, but also to have one helluva lot of respect for myself...that's why both the men I married, I went on to divorce, due to their total lack of respect towards me..and when respect dies, for me, love dies...

You had love with your wife. I've heard you talk about her a lot, but now, all you do is spill forth oddness about sex and children being shown all that can give them such pleasure in later life etc..

I see a country filled with Groomed Children and Young People, many of whom are so damn torn apart inside that they have to render themselves senseless with alcohol as often as they can, purely to cope with the kind of Weirdness that some people think they should be surrounded by....

We grew up in very different times...and whilst I know that much of what you say, you say to wind me up and give yourself a chuckle, I happen to believe that we are staring at the Gates of Hell with this Hedonistic, Stupid, Ignorant and Feckingly, Fuckingly Horrendous behaviour which The Perverts want everyone to accept as Normal.

No thanks, Richard.

I ain't bothered about standing up and shouting out, about being different or unpopular, for what I saw Miley and The Bloke doing the other night filled me with revulsion.

And nope, that's not revulsion of any physical act, it's just revulsion over how disassociated some folks have become (and some have always been, having been born that way) over what was once seen as Love, as humans RELATING to each other, rather than just cold, hard, up for it sex with any Tom, Dick or Harry's dick...

Some bloody dodgy motives going on out there. I suggest you open your eyes a little wider, for the world your Grandchild will have to endure won't be too good....