The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151986   Message #3554915
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Sep-13 - 01:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: LSD keeps you sane
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
I wonder who died and left him boss...

gnu, It might occur to you, someday, that after all, the Mudcat Forum is mostly musicians. You might think about this, for just a minute...there are people on here that accuse others of being 'trolls', such as you have in the past. Have you ever considered that the 'trolls' are the ones who hijack musicians to focus solely on politics, instead of music??....and music just happens to be a higher calling than politics! Did it ever occur to you that the angst that we throw out to, at, or with, each other on here is an essential tool that lyric writers and musicians, actually use constructively?...without really having to deal with the actual 'hate'?...(except, of course Don Firth who Bobert is still teaching how to eat over the sink, without dribbling onto the floor?..a trick I taught Bobert, because the 'P-Vine' wouldn't let him even eat in the house. He took it far less 'personal' than you have, by self inflicting this hostility upon yourself. Even Don Firth, whom I've gone around with ad nauseum, likened our 'exchanges' to fencing...he was selling stolen lines to his fence...and nobody has hassled DonT for picking both sides of his nose while holding his breath while typing!
Here, you need to lighten up..quit being so hard on yourself, (You can take that any way you want), and stop taking all this so seriously....after all, you can learn from us....because maybe we don't take you so seriously, either....but we can exchange ideas, like writers and artists do. Your posts aren't going to 'change the world'..or even make a dent....but our music may.

So if you want to do something REAL drastic....write and play a REAL FUCKING GREAT piece of music...and if it touches someone's heart, soul or mind, then write another one, even better!...and that one is no 'joke'.

Anyway, that's what we do on here...think of it as an emotional scratchpad....take the 'notes' and the FEELING, and translate it into sound...the kind of sound that is not limited by the concepts of words, but bi-passes that obstruction, and goes straight to the heart.
................OR.......being as we're in THIS thread, read the title, and consider what is being said by whomever started it!

Chill....or as we all heard, back then, 'Maintain'.....

Here's to happy constructive thoughts that frees you to work your craft....