The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146180 Message #3555005
Posted By: GUEST,Charles
01-Sep-13 - 10:02 AM
Thread Name: Bill Leader/Dave Bulmer
Subject: RE: Obit: The LATE Dave Bulmer (August 2013)
I had the misfortune to work for him and he was an odd mix of musician, (toured with Johnny Doonan when I first met him) but he didn't do ANYTHING for musicians unless it it profited him. He once showed me all the Bill Leader tapes and said, ' Nobody gets their hands on these, these are my retirement pension'.
'They can all fuck off'
He held 'Folkies' in contempt and he got one Irish band to record a single, one that would likely find it's way on to every jukebox in Dublin, and then held onto it, refusing to release it saying that he would release it when HE was ready.
The band split up after many years together and will probably never get their recordings back.
Dave Bulmer was no better than many rock managers, you just hope that 'Folkies' would have more genuine love for the music and musicians, he had none.