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Thread #152067   Message #3555052
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
01-Sep-13 - 12:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
I've posted some stuff about a years or so ago, that looks more and more related. You may recall my earlier post, in which I put forth, that two countries had to 'go' before the U.S. could get out of the 'agreement' that Kissinger made with the Saudis, back in 1979, under the Carter administration. Jordan and Saudi Arabia. Is it just coincidental that Syria threatened to attack both Israel AND Jordan, if the U.S. took military action against them(Syria)...and now we got this story? If anyone doesn't know what I'm talking about, I'll post some more on it...but bottom lining it is this: To get out of the 'deal' that Kissinger made with the Saudis, was they buy our Treasury bonds, and we buy their oil, and not drill here. I tend to think, that this has more to do with justifying the U.S. breaking that agreement with the Saudis, and let them being ripped off and just 'holding the bag', as we move forward with the Keystone pipeline...and come off, 'smelling like a rose'. To accomplish it, the whole of the Mideast has to be either 'hostile' to us, or in turmoil. Next part of the story to 'justify' the scam, is the weapons came from Saudi Arabia, as the alleged 19 terrorists, (out of 22)who took part in 911. I remember Bush's speeches about invading Iraq, AND ANY other country where they were, or who were supplied from....somehow, Saudi Arabia just seemed to 'slip through the cracks...repeatedly....but as I posted before,(and you can look it up), the Saudis would be the LAST on the list....and then, oh goody, we get our pipeline!!!
It was a scam from the beginning (a brilliant one, depending on your point of view)..and it's a scam now! That is not to say that the Saudi connection is true or not....but it sure adds 'acceptable momentum'!!!

As 'insane'(?) as ever,