The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152089   Message #3555516
Posted By: Crowhugger
02-Sep-13 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: Throwing litter from a moving vehicle
Subject: RE: Throwing litter from a moving vehicle
Someone teaches these twerps that their sloppiness is entitled to trump everyone else's safety and civility. It's kind of a physical parallel to the social rudeness of swearing loudly on a busy sidewalk, although around here they don't ticket crude speech.

Once, my heart pounding after I realized what I was doing, I grabbed up a cellophane cigarette wrapper someone dropped/tossed, ran after him calling excuse me sir, excuse me, then I handed it to him "you dropped this." He was so stunned that took it, I was so stunned I got the heck outta there. That was a long time ago (pre-walker) in Toronto. Not so sure I'd do it now.