The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151984   Message #3556313
Posted By: Donuel
05-Sep-13 - 11:00 AM
Thread Name: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Even amateurs know that to have a good ole American war you have to meet with the weapon contractors, neocon think tanks and Billy Graham to put on a song and dance tribute to the heroes who will march off to glory.

All the high falootin international treaty crap and asking congress to actually take a stand before the carnage begins is not the way it is done.

First get Tucker Carlson to do a 40 minute special in soft low light with a hidden face witness to Syrian WMD's and prove the case for war with hand drawings of the locations and time lines of Syrian threats to American Christians.

Then defend the claims with Judge Nepolitano and retired brigadier General Armand Chair. Bill Cristal and Krauthammer will fill in the gaps.

All this will lead up to the really big gums and guns of paid persuasion like Cheney and God's representatives, if not god himself, to give the final word for war.

The temerity of Obama to think that the Constitution, international treaties and law have anything to do with war and American CIA foreign policy is just plain naïve.

We and the world expect America to lie. that's WHY THEY LOVE TO HATE US. At this point the truth is just confusing to everyone involved.