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Thread #152067   Message #3556363
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
05-Sep-13 - 01:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Teribus, If you look closely at your answers, to the ones posed by Donuel, you might see the words 'probably' and 'except for', 'maybe not', and in between a lot of 'qualifying remarks. So, are you saying we should go to war over 'probably's' and 'maybe not's', and 'except for's'???

Arguing over who was/is the bigger liar, between Bush and Obama is just a silly partisan exercise...because the truth is, THEY BOTH ARE!!..and neither one has OUR best interests at heart...Both are working for the World banksters, IMF, etc etc...Not you, not me, not their country. Their allegiances go to the 'countries' without known borders, the multinational financial controllers. How obvious does this have to get before some of you guys wake up from your delusions????

Just today, in Yahoo news, there is an article that says 'Iran is with Syria to the end', a World War over partisan leader's face saving???..Get real!..You might even wake up to the fact that Bush and Obama are NOT as different as the political rhetoric/media/campaigning crap has alleged, and a lot of you have been duped into believing otherwise!.. LOOK at their DEEDS, and NOT the lying rhetoric, and excuse giving!
Limited military action??..No 'boots' on the ground'??...until they retaliate, and then it escalates accompanied along with the blame

Yes, the chemical attack was wrong, but we can't even trust who they are saying did it. We hear the phrase 'High confidence'...NOT GOOD ENOUGH!! The peddled their 'High confidence' rap to the U.N. on WMD on Iraq..and guess what?..THEY were RIGHT!! They knew it!!...THEY had the receipts!...WE sold it to them!!...They ended up in Syria...So with that track record, we are led to believe that it was Assad?..The rebels??..The CIA??..The Russians??...or somebody with an agenda to draw us in 'legitimately'???..Who?? us??..Israel??

Not enough RELIABLE information coming from the known liars, to justify any of this....not even who did it, FOR SURE!

Rather than lobbing missiles, how about an armed embargo???