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Thread #152067   Message #3556487
Posted By: Teribus
06-Sep-13 - 01:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
"Arguing over who was/is the bigger liar, between Bush and Obama is just a silly partisan exercise...because the truth is, THEY BOTH ARE!!..and neither one has OUR best interests at heart...Both are working for the World banksters, IMF, etc etc...Not you, not me, not their country. Their allegiances go to the 'countries' without known borders, the multinational financial controllers. How obvious does this have to get before some of you guys wake up from your delusions????"

Oh wow a big bad bogey man - this is the stuff of which bad guys in comics are made - no wonder you and LH get on so well - in short the above is complete and utter crap.

Truth - Politicians out of office and running for election can promise the world. Politicians once they get into office then have to face reality, deal with real problems (Not the ones they imagined) and then put into effect unpopular measures required to address those problems.

The Chemical Attack? IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO DID IT - the measures to be taken must ensure that no further attacks occur. There are only chemical weapons inside Syria because the Ba'athist regime of Bashar Al-Assad WANT THEM so hit the regime and force Syria to accede to the 1993 CWC - destroy all the chemical weapons inside Syria and there will be no more chemical attacks.

What is "an armed embargo" when it's at home? I have heard of an arms embargo - only problem with that is that who would enforce it? It would not get past the Russian and Chinese veto at the UN as they are both pouring arms into Syria to support Assad.

My patience with the Middle-East in general ran out some time ago - my view is stay out, sell them anything they want and let them get on with it.