The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152143   Message #3556904
Posted By: GUEST,Tunesmith
07-Sep-13 - 02:46 PM
Thread Name: Adele: A great American pop singer
Subject: Adele: A great American pop singer
I'm sure even dedicated folkies can't have missed the pop phenomenon that is Adele!
The words "authentic" and "natural" are often used to describe her; now, this is rather ironic as, surely, she is just another, in a long line, of British singers adopting an American type accent.
On forums, and Youtube, Americans have commented on the great difference between her speaking voice ( London ) and her singing voice.
A while back on a Mudcat thread, an American poster commented how she hated the way country singer Reba McEntire exaggerated her normal speaking voice!
Well that's nothing compared to hearing an singer from over here adopting an accent from over there!
However, because adopting an American type accent is the norm for pop singers over here, most British pop fans aren't bothered... or even notice!