The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152144   Message #3557029
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
07-Sep-13 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Doing without a Microwave?
Subject: RE: BS: Doing without a Microwave?
I use mine to cook my porridge every morning, & to Quick Defrost stuff but mainly as a shelf to keep my tomatoes, garlic & a few other miscellaneous kitchen & non-kitchen things.

I bought my first microwave within the past 10 years & am using my second one.

When the first one died I automatically bought a new one, but I might ponder upon getting a replacement for this one after reading what I've typed!

My disaster was Quick Defrosting a Date slice - the dates tried to catch fire & filled the oven with nasty black smoke which set off the Smoke Alarm & 'perfumed' the oven for some time. After opening all my windows & front door, I took another slice out of the freezer & left it on the bench until it was ready to eat.
