The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152144   Message #3557236
Posted By: Bill D
08-Sep-13 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Doing without a Microwave?
Subject: RE: BS: Doing without a Microwave?
". tell us about the spuds. Spud type, size and quantity? "

I use only the long, white ones ..(Idaho is the common name).. not the little red ones. We don't get many choices here. (Really, only one at a time. Groups really DO need an oven to come out together. Two people can nuke one potato apiece in a reasonable amount of time)

I poke some holes with a fork,(maybe 20), moisten the skin with water a bit, wrap 'em in waxed paper, just folded around loosely so it don't pop open, and nuke 'em for...oh..5-8ish minutes, depending on size & MW power. You kinda adapt and 'feel' the right amount after a few times.
To test, a fork poked in fairly deep lets you judge the doneness. Yes, one CAN have a toaster oven heated up and transfer it there for final 'baking', but I use the MW mostly because I am often late starting and deciding I want one, and I don't want to wait. I'm sure gourmets will say you can tell the difference and *shrug*... maybe so. Once I open 'em up and add butter and salt & pepper, they seem ok to me.