The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3557246
Posted By: Jack the Sailor
08-Sep-13 - 04:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
My God! Now I am agreeing with Concerereneded!! Watch out for the second coming folks! The Apok-a-lipps is upon us!

DonT-Hoe-T thanks for the attention but you are obviously delusional if you think I care what you say.

"If people are shallow enough to think that "atheist" means either promoting a stance or having an aversion to someone else's stance, they really should go out and buy a new dictionary. "

No one on this forum is saying that. Frans de Waal, leading Atheist writer and thought leader, much admired by the original poster. Has said that SOME atheists (please NOTE the word SOME which obviously does not apply to all and thus does not alter the definition of the word.) SOME atheists, Some Atheists are zealous and dogmatic, in the same way that some religionists are.

Then there is the concept of the militant atheist, which exists as per the Urban Dictionary and as evidenced in deed at least as far back as the French Revolution. NO one is saying that all atheists are zealous and dogmatic. But it is clear that some people are dogmatic and zealous in their opposition to religion. If you are saying that religious education is child abuse as Dawkins frequently does, you are according to the accepted definition of the Urban Dictionary, a militant atheist. I don't know how it could be clearer or easier to understand.