The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152067   Message #3557381
Posted By: Teribus
09-Sep-13 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Guest Stim - CDC do not sell weapons

GfS - "Who out of that group do you think the U.S. couldn't 'negotiate' with? We have fair to good relations with all of them......then again, you could 'just do it'...all those little surveillance drones, and satellites"

Oh the USA could negotiate with all of them to varying degrees and likelihood of success, but they wouldn't get watertight sanctions even if they negotiated from now until the cows came home - no way of enforcing the sanctions and your surveillance drones (Would end up as PTA's for the various airforces to shoot down) and satellites would only tell you that your blockade wasn't working.

US "Armed Embargo" Officer - "Excuse Mr. (Whoever) in Turkey/Lebanon/Iraq/Jordan there are shed loads of trucks going into and out of Syria."

Mr. (Whoever) in Turkey/Lebanon/Iraq/Jordan - "Really? No Shit? We'll get on it right away" Then promptly goes back to sleep.

Don T - "Rewriting history again Teribus?" Nope but according to your point of view western MSM sure as hell took you in and for that blame horrendously inaccurate reporting combined with your own laziness for not checking what was actually said by the people involved, as opposed to what MSM reported they said.

April 1991 - What Iraq agreed to do - UNSCR 687

Did Iraq comply with UNSCR 687 - Did they F**k

Were Safwan Ceasefire Terms and Conditions complied with? - No

Did that open the door to allow any of the combatant powers to resume hostilities to enforce compliance? - Yes

Who kept telling you that the invasion of Iraq was a single issue deal? - Western MSM

Who kept telling you that the USA and the UK kept switching what single issue was the cause de jour? - Western MSM

Whole rake of reasons all described in detail in UNSCR 687 - which Saddam Hussein COULD NOT comply with - Take a look down towards the bottom of the list - the return of 605 Kuwaiti nationals abducted and taken into Iraq in 1990 - Saddam could return them, primarily because by 2003 he had murdered 602 of them.

All the above simply a matter of record all well documented.