The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #146933   Message #3557475
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
09-Sep-13 - 12:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Trouble in Democratopia
Subject: RE: BS: Trouble in Democratopia
Bobert: "The US cannot afford to spent 17% of its GNP on health care and I'm open to anything for now until such a time as even Helen Keller can plainly see that we need a single payer system like ev3eryone else has..."

RIGHT!!!..It's about time, you may be starting to see that his 'plans' were NOT for the sake of just providing 'affordable' healthcare!

Until, or unless the 'media' turns on him, and starts reporting straight, without bias or agenda, you won't believe what your FRIENDS have been telling you all along....maybe then you'll see that those who have been engaged with manipulating and stroking each other, just based on political lines, really aren't your 'friends' at all!...including those who occupy elected positions!!!

Bobert, your power to relate the struggle, is in your music..yours in particular...I wouldn't entrust that gift to a crooked politician, or an exploitative political party, who's known for lying..would you???