The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151984   Message #3557692
Posted By: Ron Davies
10-Sep-13 - 12:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: chemical weapons in Syria
Just heard an interview with the man who devised the plan for the attack on Syria.   He says in fact that his plan was meant to be put into effect before this; now it's too late.

He also predicts that, now, the Russian offer for negotiating a solution whereby Syrian chemical weapons are put under international control, then destroyed will cancel any plans for an attack by the US.    Instead, he says, what is likely is that there will be months of negotiations--at the end of which nothing will have changed:    i.e. Assad will still have his chemical weapons.

Sounds like he has it right.

This is actually good for Obama--there is no way Congress would have authorized the strikes he wanted.

And he will still have some political capital.

Anybody who doesn't like it:   too bad.   That's the real world.

Syria in almost all respects has been the anti-Libya.    So the result was bound to be vastly different.

The main question now on Syria is whether the foolish proposal to attack has so alarmed Congress that it will not even authorize the needed arming of the Syrian opposition not allied with al-Queda.    The al-Queda branch of that opposition now has arms, discipline, and a plan.    The rest of the anti-Assad forces have very little of anything.