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Thread #152067   Message #3558020
Posted By: Teribus
11-Sep-13 - 03:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Had the Russians supplied Syria with Sarin Gas they would have been in contravention of the CWC as it is clearly stated that it is illegal to manufacture Sarin Gas.

"Except for very limited application for protection programmes, medical research or other permitted purposes, the production of some toxic chemicals with virtually no legitimate peaceful uses, such as sarin (GB), is banned."

1: A common conception of a chemical weapon comprises a toxic chemical contained in a delivery system such as a bomb or artillery shell. While technically correct, a definition based on this conception would only cover a small portion of the range of things the CWC prohibits as "chemical weapons".

2:   "There are several reasons for the broad CWC definition, which includes munitions, precursor chemicals and equipment connected with production and use of chemical weapons.

3: "The complexity of the chemical weapon definition needed to meet the objectives of the Convention can be seen when considering "dual-use" items and technologies. Many chemicals used widely for peaceful and commercial purposes can also be used as, or applied to the creation of, chemical weapons. To address the potential threat posed by these chemicals, the CWC definition of a chemical weapon had to be as comprehensive as possible."

4: "...however, care had to be taken not to define chemical weapons in a way that unnecessarily hindered legitimate uses of chemicals and the economic and technological development to which such uses may lead."

5: "the definition could not result in restrictions of any State Party's right to acquire and retain conventional weapons and their associated delivery systems nor the right to produce and use chemicals for peaceful purposes."

6: "The definition eventually adopted allowed for a balanced approach under which the Convention's objectives can be met while the rights of States Parties are retained.

7: "To preclude contravention of the treaty's intent by separation of chemical weapons into component parts, the Convention defines each component of a chemical weapon (CW) as a chemical weapon—whether assembled or not, stored together or separately. Anything specifically designed or intended for use in direct connection with the release of a chemical agent to cause death or harm is itself a chemical weapon.

So it calls for a balanced approach and the application of common sense - I am still convinced that the USA sold Saddam Hussein no chemical weapons and you have still to prove otherwise, i.e. that the US Government and the Governments of various western countries knowingly licenced the sale to Iraq of chemicals that were specifically designed or intended for use in direct connection with the release of a chemical agent to cause death or harm - and of course the answer will come back that they didn't

By the way any news from all those ex-US service personnel who post here on Mudcat who over the past thirty or forty years must have handled and used all those chemical weapons that the US are supposed to possess for sale to tyrants right left and centre? - NO?? - well fancy that -I won't hold my breath.