The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150071   Message #3558022
Posted By: GUEST,Musket curious
11-Sep-13 - 03:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
Whilst you were swanning in Italy I thought I would get lots of work done for us but keeping to your Italian theme thought I'd do it domani.

Jack never collected the cassock and I have come to realise that if you try to debate with him seriously you get the same defensive bollocks thrown at you as when you called him Seaman Stains or Spunky or Jerk the Sea Cadet or Whacko or any of the other names I promised him I would never use again.

There again he thinks I don't mind lying to Christians so I may have found a legal loophole somewhere. ..

Pop off for my own two weeks of contemplation at the end of the month. Thailand. I will be grateful for the Bible when I get there and especially Genesis. Always look to see if she has an Adams Apple. .....

Interestingly I zoomed over to Jack's asylum choice, The USA for two days last week. Not a holiday though I can tell you. .... luckily I was in the North East bit which is different to our North East. No Geordies but everyone claiming Irish blood in them. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advise against travel in the deep south. Snakes apparently.

They keep escaping from the churches.
