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Thread #152067   Message #3558102
Posted By: Teribus
11-Sep-13 - 11:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Subject: RE: BS: Did CIA lunch the Sarin missile in Syria
Don T, my condemnation of the standard of reporting in western MSM is universal I hold up no news outlet as being better than any other - Journalists and Reporters now do not report they seem duty bound to give you "their" take on it, or worse still their news organisations take on it as dictated to them by their editorial staff before they even leave the office.

Hansard is good and reading verbatum transcripts of speeches also gives you both the detail and the context.

"It doesn't matter a tuppeny toss what other rasons there were. WMDs capable of a 45 minute deployment were being sold to us for breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper by Blair and Bush, not by corrupt or biased media."

Really?? I would advise you to go back and check - especially that bit about WMDs capable of a 45 minute deployment threatening us that was down to that reputable news organ famous for the "GOTCHA" Headline - The SUN. When Blair in his foreword to the Dodgy Dossier stated the 45 minute claim I knew exactly what he was talking about and referring to and any servicemen who served in any NATO force during the cold war would have recognised what was being said too.

Regime Change in Iraq became an official US Foreign Policy goal in the late summer of 1998.